
又名:Tales of Eternia / 时空幻境永恒传奇

主演:石田彰 皆口裕子 保志总一朗 南央美 林原惠美 三石琴乃 堀江由衣 半场友惠 笠原留美 住友优子 町井美纪 稻田彻 丸山咏二 阪脩 高冢正也 服卷浩司 德山靖彦 麻生智久 土门仁 田中大文 川津泰彦 神田朱未 今村直树 宇和川惠美 置鲇龙太郎 石川英郎 坂口哲夫 桥本晃一 龙谷修武 达依久子 海部正树 

导演:上田繁 / 编剧:川崎裕之 Hiroyuki Kawasaki/西园悟 Nishizono Satoru





Plot Summary:Reid Hershel, Farrah Oersted, and a mysterious girl named Meredy must embark on a journey to learn the truth on the fate of their world. The story begins when Reid and Farrah attend to the crash of a spaceship near their hometown, Rashea. As they investigate the place of the incident, a weird blue animal leads them to a young girl injured by the crash who speaks an unknown language. Further on, Reid and Farrah learn that the mysterious girl, named Meredy, came here to prevent a deadly collision between her planet, Celestia, and Reid and Farrah's world, Inferia. With the help of some friends picked up along the way, Reid, Farrah, and Meredy set out on a quest to collect a set of spiritual beings, their only hope to save both of their planets from a terrible disaster.
过去曾发生过战争。战后被称为“极光战争”的这场战乱,是发生在塞雷斯提亚和茵费利亚之间的战争。战争结束之后茵费利亚和塞雷斯提亚便断绝交流,一直到今天。而现在两个世界面临即将灭亡的命运。   挺身而出来拯救这场危机的,却是一群无名的年轻人。。。
