
又名:城市里的春天 / Sui Yue / Cheng Shi Li de Chun Tian

主演:胡军 梅婷 于和伟 王早来 施京明 王彤 朱衡 罗妞 杜军 佟凡 闵捷 马年丰 严诚 王彩平 魏甬 李雅希 许锐 李文伦 李秋萍 丁一 张红丽 朱小丹 王锦生 龚和平 杨工俘 张颖 韩文龙 赫鹏寿 刘远远 袁永恒 

导演:刘江 / 编剧:全勇先 Yongxian Quan





Plot Summary:This drama depicts the life of a special generation when Chinese society undergoes fundamental changes in last century. Liang Zhiyuan, a new graduate, encounters Xu Xiaoman on his first day at work, and then starts a touching love story of twists and turns with Xu Xiaoman. When Liang Zhiyuan starts at his work, he is regarded as a promising successor by his leader. At that time, he is an idealistic young man who freshly gets out of school. Even though he has an outstanding education background, he knows few about worldly relations. Unlike him, Xu Xiaoman, though beautiful and young, is more sophisticated and experienced when it comes to worldly wisdom. Because of this fundamental discrepancy, Liang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiaoman's relationship does not work out. They eventually break up and start families respectively. However, deep down inside, their feelings towards each other are more intertwined than ever. When they gradually become middle-aged, they both start to reflect on the meaning of life and their original values.
现实与想象总是有很大差距,梁致远(胡军 饰)走出校门踏入社会后,既感到社会上人事关系的复杂,人与人相处仿佛在演戏,你永远不知道对方说的哪句话是真的,只有小心揣测别人的心思。在同事撮合下,他认识了八面玲珑的许小曼(梅婷 饰),俩人刚好形成性格上的互补。不久,双双坠入爱河。许小曼也不时开导不能与时倶进的梁致远,但他天生的书呆子气,根本听不进去,最终二人分道扬镳。梁致远与小曼分手后,失落而消沉,他只有重新独立面对这个复杂的社会。最终,他默认了当今生存的游戏规则,反而得到提拨重用。待一切适应后,他不由想起了许小曼当初的谆谆教导,可是为时已晚......
