Saturday Night Live : Quentin Tarantino Smashing Pumpkins(1995)


主演:昆汀·塔伦蒂诺 Smashing Pumpkins 

导演:Beth McCarthy-Miller / 编剧:Andy Breckman/Cindy Caponera

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Saturday Night Live : Quentin Tarantino Smashing Pumpkins:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Acclaimed director Quentin Tarantino hosts this 1995 episode, which includes selected sketches such as "Spartans Football Game," "Directors On Directing," "White Trash Around A Campfire Dealing With An Overabundance Of Fluids," and "All Aboard!" For clearance reasons, episodes have been edited from their original version.
Director Quentin Tarantino hosts. Musical guest Samshing Pumpkins.Sketches:"Spartan Cheerleaders," "Old Glory Insurance," "Clara Turley's Bible Challenge," "Bill Clinton," "Bug Off," "Directors on Directing," and "All Aboard".Performances:Smashing Pumpkins perform "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" and "Zero."
