女神The Divine Lady(1929)

又名:神圣的女人 / 贵妇人(台)


主演:科琳·格里菲斯 维克特·凡科尼 H.B.沃纳 伊恩·基思 玛丽·杜丝勒 蒙塔古·洛夫 威廉·康克林 多萝西·卡明 Michael Vavitch Evelyn Hall 海伦·杰尔姆·埃迪 

导演:弗兰克·洛伊德 / 编剧:阿格尼丝·克里斯蒂娜·约翰斯顿 Agnes Christine Johnston/E. Barrington/埃德温·贾斯特斯·迈耶 Edwin Justus Mayer





Plot Summary:A partly fictionalized account of history begins with the arrival of slatternly Emma Hart, a cook's daughter, at the home of Charles Greville. Greville takes her as his lover and grooms her until their relationship becomes an inconvenience. Greville then dupes Emma into traveling to Naples to live with his uncle, Lord Hamilton, ambassador to the court at Naples. Realizing that Greville has abandoned her, Emma agrees to marry Lord Hamilton. Soon, however, she meets Admiral Horatio Nelson of the British Navy. Emma plays a crucial role in convincing Naples to open its ports to Nelson during his campaign against Napoleon's French fleet. Soon, Emma and the married Nelson become romantically involved -- a relationship which will have consequences for them both.
查理(伊恩·基思 Ian Keith 饰)爱上了厨师的女儿艾玛(科琳·格里菲斯 Corinne Griffith 饰),然而,这段感情是注定不会受到众人的祝福的,为了避免东窗事发,查理将艾玛送到了自己的叔叔汉密尔顿(HB·沃纳 H.B. Warner 饰)家。   没过多久,艾玛就识破了查理的谎言,明白自己其实是被后者无情的抛弃了。绝望和愤怒之中,她决定嫁给一直对自己很好的汉密尔顿,可是这段仓促的婚姻很显然并不能给艾玛带来真正的幸福。一天,艾玛结识了名为尼尔森(维克特·凡科尼 Victor Varconi 饰)的军官,为了能够让尼尔森在港口同拿破仑的军队交战,艾玛不惜抛头露面四处奔走,一来二去之间,两人相爱了。
