A Costureirinha da Sé(1959)

又名:My Little Seamstress


主演:Maria de Fátima Bravo Jacinto Ramos Alina Vaz Baptista Fernandes Carlos José Teixeira Costinha Luísa Durão Emilio Correia Alma Flora Maria Olguim Álvaro Pereira Alda Rodrigues José Silva Maria da Luz Guilherme Kjölner 

导演:Manuel Guimarães / 编剧:Heitor Campos Monteiro

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A Costureirinha da Sé:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Aurora is a modest young girl, working as dressmaker for the women her popular district, near the OPorto cathedral. One day, through a hintz-dress design competition, she gets involved with a haut couture atelier.
