License to Reproduce(2011)


主演:爱德华·福隆 博基姆·伍德拜因 金姆·杰克逊 

导演:Leni Alano / 编剧:Alano Massi

License to Reproduce:在线播放

License to Reproduce:最新迅雷BT资源

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License to Reproduce:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Present day. For the past several years, The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been successfully working a newly established division in an effort to improve the quality of the United States; The Department of Reproduction. Federal Agents assigned to this department actively pursue individuals who intend to or have conceived a child without possessing a... LICENSE TO REPRODUCE. We follow two such agents as they take us through their day, unveiling social issues they face on the job, with each other, and themselves.
