
又名:爱、选举与巧克力 / Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate

主演:中村悠一 中村绘里子 浅川悠 今井麻美 水桥香织 门胁舞以 仪武祐子 猪口有佳 藤村步 石松千惠美 绪方惠美 铃村健一 榊原由依 真田麻美 水岛大宙 游佐浩二 钉宫理惠 井口裕香 日笠阳子 茅野爱衣 伊藤加奈惠 茅原实里 

导演:喜多幡彻 / 后信治 / 野亦则行 / 安藤贵史 / 铃木芳成 / 朝木幸彦 / 秋田谷典昭 / 仁昌寺义人 / 驹屋健一郎 / 岩田义彦 / 中智仁 / 编剧:高山克彦 Katsuhiko Takayama





Plot Summary:In Japan, participation in extra-curricular activities is as fundamental a part of an education as chalk and gym shorts. However, not all students are overachievers, and for those like Yuki Ojima, groups like the Food Research Club are welcome havens in which to slack-off. But what's a slacker to do when the radical new candidate for Student Council president announces her intent to get rid of clubs like the FRC? Well, getting the help of the current Student Council president is a good start, but HIS suggestion is so counter-intuitive that it's crazy: Yuki should run for the Student Council himself? And yet, it's SO crazy that it just might work. Especially when Chisato, the chocolate-adverse president of the FRC (and Yuki's best childhood friend,) and members of other targeted school clubs start to join the swelling FRC army. But can this army of goofs and goof-offs coast all the way to political victory? Or will someone have to step up to the plate and take one for the team?
故事发生在私立高藤学园的校园中,这一年,童年好友大岛祐树(中村悠一 配音)和住吉千里(中村绘里子 配音)共同升上了二年级。作为在校学生,课后的社团活动是校园生活必不可少的一部分,祐树和千里伙同同学木场冬美(水桥香织 配音)一同组织了“食品研究部”。说是研究部,其实不过就 是大家在一起分享美味的零食,但这简单的活动带给了女孩子们无比美好的课后时光。   不幸的是,研究部最大的敌人东云皐月(浅川悠 配音)发出了“解散没有实际成绩的社团”的宣言,而他本人很可能即将当选学生自治会的会长。为了保护心爱的社团,女孩子们决定以竞争对手的身份加入竞选,一场轰轰烈烈的社团保护战开始了。
