Das Menschlein Matthias(1941)

又名:La voce del sangue


主演:Petra Marin Hans Fehrmann Leopold Biberti Kurt Brunner Hedwig Elisabeth Hermann Gallinger Walburga Gmür Jakob Guggi Arthur Leonhardt Ditta Oesch Röbi Rapp Friedeli Sigg 席格法瑞特斯坦纳 Ursula von Wiese Marga Zöllner-Galli 

导演:Edmund Heuberger / 

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Das Menschlein Matthias:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Matthias is the illegitimate son of a factory worker. The child, who has been separated from public life, lives in the house of his aunt, who often mistreats him and barely takes care of his maintenance. After the death of his cousin, the boy escapes from home in search of his mother.
