Dangerous Dan McFoo(1939)



导演:Tex Avery / 编剧:Rich Hogan

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Dangerous Dan McFoo:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:An arctic saloon. The tiny dog, Dan McFoo, is playing a pinball-like marble game in the back. His girlfriend, Sue, sounding like Katharine Hepburn, stands by. A stranger comes in with eyes for Sue; he begins a boxing match with Dan. After Dan gets knocked down, he accuses the stranger of having something in the glove; the ref finds four horseshoes and a horse. After the fight goes on a while with no conclusion, the narrator tosses a couple of guns, the lights go out, and Dan is shot or is he?
故事发生在一个靠近北极圈的小酒馆,夜幕降临,北风呼啸,大雪纷飞。小酒馆内欢快的钢琴声响起,三只上半身衣着考究下半身破破烂烂的狗狗随着音乐唱歌。酒馆中央懒洋洋的大狗们趴在桌子上,昏昏欲睡。在酒馆靠后的部分,几只狗围着弹珠台聚精会神。身形比较小的丹•麦克福几番尝试,但都失败。他的女朋友苏从一旁走过,雍容华贵。就在此时,一个不速之客从外面进来,他第一眼就见到了美丽性感的苏,于是不由分说向对方求爱,而苏则予以拒绝,声名她的心已经属于另一个人。   丹发现了这个竞争者,他勇敢地走上前制止了对方,爱情战争由此展开……
